Books about Loughborough
Reprint publish the following books about Loughborough:
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book reference 91": A History of Frame Work Knitters in Loughborough and Shepshed (Sheepshed) in 1845
by Malcolm Hornsby
Price: £6.50
Produced by Reprint - inspired by the erection of the "Sock" Monument.
Contains reports with names from the minutes of evidence taken before The Commissioner for Inquiring into the Conditions of … [more about book reference 91]
book reference 92": A History of the Salvation Army in Loughborough
by David Dover
Price: £6.50
Provided by Reprint from the arrival in Loughborough to present day. Many photos, mainly black and white.
book reference 187": A Layman\'s Look At Garendon
by Marjorie Shulz
Price: £10.00
As you will all be well aware, there have been many historical books written about our own and very well-known Garendon Park, set in the heart of the beautiful Charnwood Forest. However, many are a … [more about book reference 187]
book reference 391": A Life Time Of Memories
by Maisie Walker
Price: £5.50
I hope whoever reads the true tales in the following pages will enjoy the trip back in time.
It holds animal tales as well as those concerning football, old cars and ancient buses.
Some … [more about book reference 391]
book reference 389": A Pageant of Local History - Loughborough High School
by Miss. M
Price: £5.50
Loughborough High School
A Pageant of Local History presented by the Girls on the occasion of the School's Centenary Celebrations, May, 1950
Script: Miss M. Potts.
book reference 2": A Short History of Barrow-Upon-Soar
by R. H. Bennett (reprint)
Price: £5.50
An acknowledgment to the author of this lost publication is made in the book.
A great piece of work giving detailed accounts of the history of this village.
book reference 226": An Outline History Of The General Baptists Of Loughborough 1760 To 1975 (1979)
by Rev. Dr. Joseph Brewer (reprint)
Price: £8.00
This book is a history of the General Baptists of Loughborough in outline. The story is presented 'warts and all', as Oliver cromwell requested of his portrait painter, to show something of the … [more about book reference 226]
book reference 93": Bells of Memory. A history of Loughborough Carillon
by Maurice I. Bray (reprint)
Price: £8.00
This publication by the late Maurice I Bray is a most in-depth account of the history of Loughborough's Carillon. To reproduce it in any way other than its original format cannot be done and full … [more about book reference 93]
book reference 390": BRUSH - Distinctive Road Passenger Vehicle Coachwork
Price: £5.50
Full acknowledgements is given to all contributors of this publication it has been reprinted to inform its readers, as an informative piece of Loughborough's history.
It's hoped … [more about book reference 390]
book reference 255": Brush Traction 1865-1965
Price: £6.50
A history of the first hundred years of this world-renowned railway locomotive manufacturer - a most detailed account with many illustrations.
Showing 11–20 of 99 titles •
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