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book reference 289": The Fire Brigade: A History of Stories and Incidents (1894)
by Frank Mundell (reprint)
Price: £8.00
New edition March 2009: includes Leicester fire brigade
The job of a fireman has evolved considerably since the first official fire brigades were formed in the nineteenth century, but the bravery … [more about book reference 289]
book reference 98": In the Service of the Cross - Loughborough Congregational Church
Price: £4.00
An in-depth history from 1828 to 1928 (the first 100 years).
Many pictures.
book reference 206": Foxton Locks and Inclined Plane: A Detailed History
by Foxton Inclined Plane Trust (reprint)
Price: £6.50
This publication was produced some years ago and we are indebted to Mike Beech of the Foxton Inclined Plane Trust for permission to reprint this 'out-of-print' edition.
It is proposed and in … [more about book reference 206]