A Brief History of the Royal Mail in Loughborough
Price: £6.50
Produced by Reprint with a host of old photos and general background to the Postal Service in the area over the years.
Reprint publish the following books by David Dover.
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For more details, select a book title or front cover.
A Brief History of the Royal Mail in Loughborough
Price: £6.50
Produced by Reprint with a host of old photos and general background to the Postal Service in the area over the years.
A History of the Salvation Army in Loughborough
Price: £6.50
Provided by Reprint from the arrival in Loughborough to present day. Many photos, mainly black and white.
Price: £8.00
Over eighty photos old view photos, with today's photos from same view point. A4 size
Loughborough and Charnwood: a Quizbook to discover our local history and heritage
Price: £6.50
A brain-teaser quiz book, with many photos.
Loughborough Grammar School. The Early Years
Price: £6.50
Many early photos with some interesting facts from the past, an early census return naming pupils and persons at the school.
Loughborough in Black & White. A Collection of Old Postcards
Price: £6.50
Contains many streets and roads in Loughborough, i.e. Park Street, Frederick Street and Toothill Road - 1900s to 1950s.
Loughborough in Black & White. Volume 1
Price: £8.00
Over 50 postcards and photos of Loughborough from 1900 to the 1960s. The 1960s photos will be remembered by many.
This publication was the first by Reprint and is a best seller.
Loughborough in Black & White. Volume 2 Thorpe Acre
Price: £6.50
This publication would not have been possible without the help of Walter Leeson, based on his collection of photos to commemorate 150 years of All Saints Church, Thorpe Acre with Dishley.
Contains … [more ]
Loughborough in Black & White. Volume 3 The University & The Old College
Price: £6.50
A brief but interesting look in photos and postcards of the transition from College to University status. Many fine and colour prints.
Shepshed in Black & White Volume 1
Price: £6.50
30 old Postcards and Photographs of Shepshed's bygone days.
Showing 1–10 of 12 titles • 2
Pages: 1