Books about Loughborough
Reprint publish the following books about Loughborough:
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book reference 210": Railway Lines 1920s: Working the Bluebell Line
by Louie Carr
Price: £5.50
In the year 1992, Harry Preston, agred 89, was living in his own house, with his wife, and doing the shopping, cooking and cleaning, as he had done for the later years of his retirement. He had given … [more about book reference 210]
book reference 124": Rambles Around Loughborough 1868
Price: £8.00
A detailed description of Loughborough and its villages as viewed in 1868. These routes can be taken today, giving a true insight into the historical changes that have taken place over time.
book reference 125": Recollections of Thorpe Acre
by Edith Brewin, Thorpe people
Price: £6.50
Elderly residents of this village get together and relate stories of their childhood, people of the village and recollections of their lives. Makes interesting reading.
More old photos of Thorpe … [more about book reference 125]
book reference 126": Rosebery School Loughborough 1897-1977
by Eric Oldham
Price: £6.50
Produced by the School to commemorate 100 years and compiled from the events within those 100 years from the school register with photos of events within the school.
book reference 218": Royal Jubilee Celebrations: Borough of Loughborough Official Programme (1935)
Price: £5.50
This title is a reprint of a programme celebrating King George V's Silver Jubilee. It contains many interesting facts about the celebration and about Loughborough.
book reference 283": Rural Rhymes: Poems and Photographs on Rural Life and Living
by Phillip Frederick Dews
Price: £6.50
Local Poet and writer Phillip Drews brings us this enthralling collection of his latest poems. Many are inspired by local villages and landmarks, and the poems are complemented in this publication by … [more about book reference 283]
book reference 127": The Bell Hangers (John Taylor Bell Foundry)
by David Dover
Price: £6.50
Dedicated to the late Horace Myatt.
The story of just how the bells are removed and re-installed in the many churches he visited. Photos of the churches and removing the bells.
Newspaper … [more about book reference 127]
book reference 74": The Blackbrook Dam Disaster, Charnwood, Leicestershire,1799
by Malcolm Dark
Price: £8.00
Leicestershire's greatest flooding catastrophe. The narrative covers the building of the earthworks dam to supply water for the ill-fated Charnwood Forest Canal and its collapse in February 1799, plus … [more about book reference 74]
book reference 128": The Civil War at Cotes Mill and other stories about the River Soar
by Malcolm Dark
Price: £6.50
Cotes Mill stands on the outskirts of Loughborough, beyond the railway station, on the road to Nottingham. Opposing forces met there and for two days endeavoured to gain control over the extensive … [more about book reference 128]
book reference 254": The Fearon Fountain of Loughborough
by John Harrison
Price: £6.50
Henry Fearon was a Rector of All Saints Parish Church, Loughborough from 1848 until his death in 1885. He left his mark in the town with the Fearon Fountain in the Market Place, the town's first fresh … [more about book reference 254]
Showing 81–90 of 99 titles •
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