Books about Loughborough
Reprint publish the following books about Loughborough:
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book reference 280": Hidden History Wordsearch: Loughborough and Charnwood
by John Harrison
Price: £4.00
From the introduction:
"Whether you are a resident of Charnwood or a visitor to our town and region we welcome you and hope you find this collection of local history facts and figures, myths and … [more about book reference 280]
book reference 43": Historical Gazetteer and Directory Volume 1 - 1863
Price: £6.50
A descriptive account of Loughborough, Shepshed, Belton and Osgathorpe in the year 1863, plus a list of traders.
book reference 317": History in Shelthorpe
by W. Humphrey (reprint)
Price: £5.50
Detailed account of Shelthorpe history reprinted with acknowledegement. Keeping local history alive.
book reference 97": History of Loughborough Family in the Community 1841 - 2002
by Rezia Begum
Price: £8.00
This book focuses on the factors that have affected families in the past and today. Housing, Employment, Education and Mobility.
Four streets are featured William Street, Nottingham Road, Ashby … [more about book reference 97]
book reference 98": In the Service of the Cross - Loughborough Congregational Church
Price: £4.00
An in-depth history from 1828 to 1928 (the first 100 years).
Many pictures.
book reference 100": Loughborough - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide, 1907
Price: £6.50
An in-depth look at what Loughborough had to offer in 1907.
Contains various shops and some villages are included.
book reference 99": Loughborough 1966 municipal Tenants Handbook
Price: £5.50
This booklet was issued to every new tenant in Loughborough.
Contains photographs and lots of local information, plus do's and don'ts of living in a council property.
Black and white … [more about book reference 99]
by David Dover
Price: £8.00
Over eighty photos old view photos, with today's photos from same view point. A4 size
book reference 216": Loughborough and Charnwood: a Quizbook to discover our local history and heritage
by John Harrison, David Dover
Price: £6.50
A brain-teaser quiz book, with many photos.
book reference 101": Loughborough and its Carillon Tower - 1923
Price: £5.50
The first publication after the opening of the Carillon.
Also includes many historical points on Loughborough as it was in 1923, many of which were not noted in later publications.
50 pages.
Showing 31–40 of 99 titles •
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