Building my Way Across Leicestershire
Price: £12.00
A brief account of every village in Leicestershire with many colour drawings. 250 pages of very interesting information
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Building my Way Across Leicestershire
Price: £12.00
A brief account of every village in Leicestershire with many colour drawings. 250 pages of very interesting information
Price: £8.00
An historical look at the many interesting buildings in Melton Mowbray, with over 90 illustrations by the author which capture the look of the town a century ago.
From the introduction to the … [more ]
Price: £6.00
Humor, whit and sketches from this great artist make the contents of this book and every page a great joke.\r\n
Price: £6.00
Humor, whit and sketches from this great artist make the contents of this book and every page a great joke.