Eric Jarvis
Reprint publish the following books by Eric Jarvis.
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book reference 180": History of Whitwick Methodists
by Eric Jarvis
Price: £6.50
It would be easy at this time to relate John Wesley's movements into Leicestershire, but Mrs J Stevenson's, "John Wesley in Leicestershire" covers that subject adequately.
So to relate the events … [more about book reference 180]
book reference 73": Porter to Signalman, 1937 to 1965
by Eric Jarvis
Price: £8.00
The lost railway system of Leicestershire's coal mining and quarrying region. Many old stations in photographs. A story of the life of one signalman.
book reference 181": The Story of Whitwick Park or King Georges Field
by Eric Jarvis
Price: £5.50
Long before Whitwick had a Park there were organised games where the old sports field stretched back from Church Lane.
This book chronicles the history of activities taking place and the stories … [more about book reference 181]