Colonel Pen Lloyd
Reprint publish the following books by Colonel Pen Lloyd.
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book reference 205": Anecdotes of Bygone Leicestershire & Other Stories
by Colonel Pen Lloyd (reprint)
Price: £6.50
When we look back at the many authors who have left their mark in the form of publications on Leicestershire's history, one name stands out above the others, that of the late Colonel Pen Lloyd, CBE, … [more about book reference 205]
book reference 286": The History of the Mysterious Papillon Hall (1977)
by Colonel Pen Lloyd (reprint)
Price: £6.50
This is a reprint of a fascinating book, first published in 1977 and now quite hard to get hold of, which tells the story of the hauntings of Papillon Hall near Lubenham up until its demolition in … [more about book reference 286]