Carole Naylor
Reprint publish the following books by Carole Naylor.
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book reference 244": Back to the 1940s in Melton Mowbray
by Carole Naylor
Price: £10.00
A fascinating account of life in Melton in the 1940s. Taken from the Foreword:
"Since my article on the war years appeared in the newspaper in February 2006, I have received some very interesting … [more about book reference 244]
book reference 296": From Melton Mowbray to Canada, A Pictorial Journey: 1940s-1950s Part I
by Carole Naylor
Price: £10.00
In the years of austerity after the Second World War, emmigration to the 'New World' was an attractive prospect for many British families. Along with other Commonwealth countries, Canada was one such … [more about book reference 296]
book reference 297": From Melton Mowbray to Canada, A Pictorial Journey: 1940s-1950s Part II
by Carole Naylor
Price: £10.00
In the years of austerity after the Second World War, emmigration to the 'New World' was an attractive prospect for many British families. Along with other Commonwealth countries, Canada was one such … [more about book reference 297]