Books about Rutland
Reprint publish the following books about Rutland:
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book reference 55": An Arthurian Mystery in Victorian Rutland
by John Harrison
Price: £6.50
King Arthur? He's not history is he? He's a myth or a patriotic legend surely?
So how can I as an historian write a book about King Arthur?
Many, many pieces of a jigsaw had to be put together, … [more about book reference 55]
book reference 60": Good and Bard Days Out
by John Harrison
Price: £6.50
Many years ago poets and bards would travel the land telling stories of myths and legends, warriors, heroes and heroines.
This book is a quest to solve poetic riddles to discover ancient and … [more about book reference 60]
book reference 153": Much in Little - 100 Years of the Ruddles Brewery at Langham
Price: £5.50
This publication covers 100 years of Ruddles Brewery at Langham.
Many photographs. 20 pages of Rutland history.
Used as a promotion in 1958.
book reference 152": Rutland and Ruddles
Price: £6.50
This publication is a reprint of a 1960's promotion to "Ruddling" - to visit public houses and drink Ruddles Ales.
Contains some wonderful sketches of all the public houses that Ruddles owned at … [more about book reference 152]
book reference 154": Rutland The Great War - Volume 1
Price: £8.00
A comprehensive list of the distinguished fallen of Rutland with awards of Merit, Photographs and list of actions.
This is an extract from the book:
SMITH, Pte. Bryan, of Barleythorpe, 2nd … [more about book reference 154]
book reference 155": Rutland The Great War - Volume 2
Price: £8.00
A comprehensive list of the distinguished fallen of Rutland village by village with old Church Photographs.
book reference 242": Stamford and the Great War
by W. F. Markwick (reprint)
Price: £8.00
As the cover of this book says: "An authentic record of the war work of the Mayor and Mayoress and other inhabitants of the Ancient and Royal Borough of Stamford, with some account of the local … [more about book reference 242]
book reference 415": The Bygone Magic and Witchcraft of Leicestershire and Rutland
by Radcliff Alistair Gregory BA (Hons) MA
Price: £10.00
The publication is a most detailed account of many stories with names of people involved in these happenings with 184 PAGES. Over 50+ stories and detailed accounts of magic and witchcraft.