Books about Quorn
Reprint publish the following books about Quorn:
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book reference 5": Changing Times in Barrow upon Soar, Quorndon, Sileby and Mountsorrel North End in the 18th Century
by Stephen Joyce
Price: £6.50
An in-depth look at the years 1750 -1801 that affected the villagers.
With the Enclosures Act came social and domestic changes, which are all brought to account in this publication.
Contains … [more about book reference 5]
book reference 316": Louie: Her Remarkable East Midlands Life
by Jon Turner
Price: £11.50
The complete life story of the Derbyshire-born Louise Burrows (1888-1962) who, as an adolescent and in early adulthood, by then living in the Nottinghamshire village of Cossall, was part of the … [more about book reference 316]
book reference 147": Old Quorn Tales Volume 1
by Harry Limbert, Quorn people
Price: £5.50
A collection of stories and tales about the village taken from its more mature residents that reflect their memories (the storytellers are named). Includes old Postcards that have some bearing on the … [more about book reference 147]
book reference 148": Old Quorn Tales Volume 2
by Harry Limbert, Quorn people
Price: £5.50
A collection of stories and tales about the village taken from its more mature residents that reflect their memories (the storytellers are named). Includes old Postcards that have some bearing on the … [more about book reference 148]
book reference 149": Old Quorn Tales Volume 3
by Harry Limbert, Quorn people
Price: £5.50
A collection of stories and tales about the village taken from its more mature residents that reflect their memories (the storytellers are named). Includes old Postcards that have some bearing on the … [more about book reference 149]
book reference 326": Rhyme And Reason
by Murray Rumsey
Price: £5.50
"The wake of ST Bartholomew"
"A Mountsorrel legend"
"In praise of Charnwood"
"The Quorndon Yew"
Murray Rumsey was born in Herne Hill, London in 1875 but moved to Quorn to join his … [more about book reference 326]
book reference 150": The Quorn Hunt (Dixon)
by William Scarth Dixon (reprint)
Price: £6.50
The history of the Quorn Hunt is in great measure the history of the development of modern foxhunting. It extends over a period of nearly two and a quarter centuries.
This publication was found on … [more about book reference 150]
book reference 151": The Quorn Hunt (Fawcett)
by William Fawcett (reprint)
Price: £6.50
The history of the Quorn Hunt is in great measure the history of the development of modern foxhunting. It extends over a period of nearly two and a quarter centuries.
After reading this most … [more about book reference 151]