The Rise And Fall Of The Harborough Bus
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Price: £8.00
From 1913 into the 1920s, the Market Harborough And District Motor Traction Company (from 1917, the Market Harborough Motor Traction Company) ran the first motor bus service in the Market Harborough area. At various times, services ran to Kibworth, Wigston, Leicester, Kettering, Wickstead Park, Husbands Bosworth and Welford.
This fascinating book, which is packed with photographs, charts all aspects of the company's history from its inception, through winding up the original company and reformation, into a period of competition and the eventual cessation of its services. All aspects of the company's financial and operational history are covered, as well as glimpses of the social impact of the development of new, affordable public transport on the areas that were served. There are also insights into incidents such as an embarressing episode involving the Harborough bus and a sheep, and the resulting court case.