Melton Mowbray in Olden Times (1879)
Book details

Price: £8.00
"PREFACE - The writer of the following pages wishes it to be understood that he makes no pretension to produce a regular local history of this town, or to touch the subject in any of its modern aspects. But finding its remote past to be full of historic interest, and knowing that almost all information on such matters is locked up in scarce and costly works, which are altogether inaccessible to the people in general, he has endeavoured to place before the public in a cheap and readable form the results of his own investigation and research.
His original intention was to have given these sketches in a series of Lectures to the Young Men's Christian Association of this town, but finding himself physically unable to do so, he has been induced to commit them to the press, with the hope that they will not only edify and instruct those who may read them, but also awaken in the minds of the young men of Melton an interest in the historical associations of their native town, and lead them to a profitable study of the same.
To assist him in this endeavour he has read with care all the works which have come within his reach, especially the Framland Division of that immense forest of facts, dates and pedigrees, Nichols' History of Leicestershire.
If the perusal of these pages should yield as much pleasure as the preparation of them has done, the Author will be doubly gratified [No. 2 Park Road, Melton Mowbray, 1879]."