Bardon Hill - Volume II
Book details

Price: £12.00
Acknowlegement - Full acknowledgement is given to Len Noble and all of the other contributors to this publication. We are indebted to them for their contribution to keeping local history alive. It is hoped this reprint may inspire others and be of interest to many. Now reprinted in two volumes for easy reading and handling. First published 30 years ago now back in print with permissin of Tony Noble son of the author. - Reprintuk - Keeping Local History Alive - Volume2 - APPENDICES - The 1864 Bardon Estate Sale Catalogue:193 - Bardon Census Returns 1841-1891: 215 - The Hastings Manuscript:223 - Bardon Park Rent Book:225 - The Charnwood Foresters:229 - County Directories:241 - Leicestershire Guides:251 - Bardon Taxes:263 - Bardon Wills:267 - Bardon Fields:271 - The 1861 Lecture:279 - Coat of Arms:287 - Pocketbook c 1940:289 - Bardon Poems:295 - Bardon Stafflist 1957:299 - Register of Electors:301 - The Chamwood Manors:303 - Redstart Valley:309 - Bardon Topography: 311